Use Flyers to Promote a Business
Flyers are one of the oldest forms of advertising, and also one of the most cost-effective. There are many ways to effectively use
• Drive traffic to a website and/or an event.
• Let customers know about special promotions and where to find your location.
• Promote any type of course.
• Promote a new sale, new item, special offer, etc.
In order to use
flyers effectively to promote a business, there are a few things to consider. The first consideration is finding a suitable location to distribute them. Rather than cluttering up windshields or other blanket distribution strategies, consider the following:
• Cross promote with other businesses by distributing each others flyers.
• Pass out at trade shows or conventions.
• Post on local bulletin boards.
• Pass out flyers at school, parks, and post offices for a community event.
The next step is designing the
flyer. A potential customer will most likely give a
flyer a quick glance before deciding to read it or to toss it into the trash. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial to grab the reader's attention and convey the "gist" of the message immediately. For instance, if a business is offering a free product or service, make sure that the word "free" is printed in large, bold letters so that it will draw the reader's eye. Use vivid colors and keep text to a minimum. The best way to make sure that a flyer is not read is by using lots of words or small hard-to-read type.
• Include a call to action: Go to website for more details, pertinent days and times, etc.
• Include a coupon
Finally, it is important to have reasonable expectations. Every one hundred flyers distributed may only immediately produce one or two customers. This is nothing to be discouraged about, however. The real beauty of flyers are that they allow a business to publicize its name, thereby subliminally planting a seed in the reader's mind. A potential customer may need to hear the name of a business or company several times before deciding to give the business a try.
Flyers are a great way to accomplish this goal, even if the
flyers do not bring in new customers right away.
Click here to begin designing your
flyer today!